So are we on for Oct 15th????


On 02/05/11 07:03, Jared Norris wrote:
Good morning/afternoon/evening Ubuntu-AU'ers,

After pestering everyone else to let us know how their release party went I thought I'd write you all a quick note to let you know how the Brisbane release party went on Saturday afternoon.

Thanks to everyone who came along and enjoyed the pancakes (or just the company), it was good to see some real people instead of names on emails or IRC nicknames on screens. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say the food was delicious. The Macadamia pancakes adorned with cream, ice cream and maple syrup was not so great for my diet but still worth it all the same. We were able to talk about all things Ubuntu, all things computers and play around with all our different android and Ubuntu devices. It was great to see a good mix of people from all different backgrounds able to enjoy socialising over Ubuntu. Thanks to Christian for taking some photos (I had my camera there but I'm a poor shot so as soon as someone else started snapping I was breathing a little easier) and with his permission I have uploaded them to flickr and added them to the Ubuntu-AU group available at [1]. I've put a note on my mug but I didn't want to do this for everyone without their permission so feel free to add a note for yourself so we can see who everyone is.

I look forward to hearing how everyone else's release parties went.



Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)

If I agreed with you We'd both be wrong! -- Anon
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