Hi Everyone,

After a brief hiatus, registrations for PyCon Australia 2011 are back
online!  We have extended some registration deadlines to compensate
for the outage.

PyCon Australia is Australia's only conference dedicated exclusively to
the Python programming language, and will be held at the Sydney Masonic
Center over the weekend of August 20 and 21. See below for more
information and updates on:

     1. Registration Back Online
     2. Call for Volunteers
     3. Convore Group
     4. Thanks to our Sponsors
Please pass this message on to those you feel may be interested.


Registration Back Online

Registrations are back online after a brief PayPal outage:


Our apologies to those inconvenienced.  PayPal put a temporary lock on 
our account while they were reviewing our status as a non-profit.  Many
thanks to the hard-working folks at Linux Australia for following up with
all the necessary paperwork.

To compensate for the outage we have adjusted some of our registration
deadlines.  The new dates are:

  1st August:   T-Shirt order finalised
  8th August:   Special dietary needs finalised
  15th August:  Last chance to get tickets!

Remember, registrations must close on Monday the 15th of August, and we will
not be accepting registrations at the door.

So don't delay, register now at:


Call for Volunteers

A community conference such as PyCon just can't run without the work of
many generous volunteers.  If you're interested in helping out, please 
send us an email at:


We're currently looking for people to help with the following:

  * Session Staff
    (see http://pycon-au.org/2011/helping/session_staff/)

  * Bag Packers
    (Friday afternoon; also just general setup of the venue)

  * Registration Desk

Convore Group

We've set up a group on Convore for anyone wanting to chat about the 


There are already some good tips from Sydney-siders who know the area
around the venue.  If you have any more, please share!

Don't forget, you can also follow us on Twitter for the latest updates:


Thanks to our Sponsors

Thanks once again to the following companies for their continuing support 
of Python and for helping to make PyCon Australia 2011 a reality:

    Gold:  Google                          <http://www.google.com.au/>
    Gold:  ComOps                          <http://www.comops.com.au/>
    Silver:  Anchor                        <http://anchor.com.au/>
    Silver:  Enthought                     <http://www.enthought.com/>
    Silver:  Python Software Foundation    <http://www.python.org/psf/>
    Silver:  WingWare                      <http://www.wingware.com/>
    Silver:  Arclight                      <http://www.arclight.com.au/>
    Silver:  Bitbucket by Atlassian        <http://bitbucket.org/>
    Silver:  Microsoft                     <http://www.microsoft.com/>

Thanks also to Linux Australia, who provide the overarching legal and
organisational structure for PyCon Australia.

    Ryan Kelly
    PyCon Australia 2011

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