If it interests you, the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 already have developer builds of Ubuntu Touch, and I'm working on porting it to the TouchPad.

-- Sent from my HP Veer on the Telstra NextG Network

On 5 Mar 2013 12:07 p.m., Geoffrey Wilfred Combes <gcomb...@bigpond.com> wrote:

Is it true that an operating system by Canonical or another is available
for someone to produce a tablet comparable with others on the market?
If so how soon should be reasonably expect one to appear?
Presently I own neither a tablet nor a mobile phone. I'm not in a hurry
to buy such time-wasting toys but I guess I must soon. Should I buy a
tablet (say, rather than a notebook) for portable use I would prefer
that it has a Linux operating system.
By the way I am an engineer and a licensed radio amateur (time-wasting,
yes, but also a thinking hobby) so I am not averse to wireless
Your views would be of interest to me.
Geoffrey Combes

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