Installation with Envy/EnvyNG

Hardy Heron and newer use EnvyNG, older versions of Ubuntu use Envy Legacy -
both can be found at

   - directions are provided on that site for installing the correct version
   of Envy, as well as some general troubleshooting tips.

EnvyNG is available in the Universe
Hardy Heron and later. Older versions of Ubuntu using Envy Legacy can
download the .deb file from Envy's website.

After installing, EnvyNG can be found from *Applications->System
Tools->EnvyNG* in Ubuntu. You will want make sure you select NVIDIA drivers,
not ATI:


   [image: NvidiaMultiMonitors/envyng.png]

Navigate there and click Apply, and the program will do the rest. You can
then configure your card as described under the complete manual install
section above.

Mohammad Shahadat
Ubuntu Bangladesh |

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