2011/6/5 samir <sam1...@gmail.com>

> Because the
> communities involving linux devote more to constructive criticism than
> mocking, we all have linux in the form of a very usable and useful system
> today.

Ah, I haven't seen a single post of the linux fan boys without mocking
Windows. They of course don't mock Linux, they only mock Windows.

Linux is very usable? Of course it is, just without a few hardware issues.
It's the most usable system on planet earth.

> And for windows, you must know this that windows is not mocked
> because it is paid, but mostly because it doesn't give the value back.

Then why people buy it in the first place? If something is not worth the
money, why buy it? Just stop buying Windows or using it. Why mock it?

> But think
> about all the versions that came before this.

Yeah, lets think about Linux the same way. Think about Ubuntu's older
versions. Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, huh? My oh my!

> With enough paid behind
> windows, you get a handful of bugs, security problems and viruses.

And you get nothing else? So shame! Windows definitely sucks!

> Thats why
> the unsatisfied mocks it.

If you're unsatisfied, don't buy it. Get a Mac! :)

> If you spend that much money for a linux system,
> the amount of support you will get is much more, due to the fact that what
> you will buy will consist of more support than the software system because
> the latter is free.

Okay, I am willing to pay 4000BDT for a linux system (the price of Windows
starter) for full hardware compatibility in Linux. Any takers?

> So the bottom-line is, as linux is free and open source, and as people work
> for linux with a good will and that too for free, the polite approach is
> first to *appreciate* what we are getting at our hands, and *contribute* to
> its quality by making constructive remarks or criticism. Now did that sound
> like mocking?

No, that sounded like words from the heaven. By the way, can you ask the
divine angels what to do if a Linux user mocks me at the first place?

***Abu Ashraf Masnun | Web Application Engineer | http://masnun.com**
Ubuntu Bangladesh

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