Hi all,
Those who are saying virus can't access the saved passwords, consider this
scenario, the virus installed its own add-on secretly, isn't it possible?
Hell, you actually can access the saved passwords without any add-on, but
from external process, a simple example will be
http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/passwordfox.html . Remember browsers store
every information somewhere, and any process with enough permission can read
the files (for firefox, it is saved in signons.sqlite as encrypted, for
FileZilla it is a non-encrypted text file, etc.).

A keylogger can easily guess your password, most of the time we type the
user name and press tab to go to the next input option which is a password
box usually. A keylogger can use this criteria along with timing. If the
keylogger get some wrong user pass, it isn't a problem, if its target is to
get some correct user pass.

Yahoo has given free smtp+pop3 when they started new Yahoo! layout (not this
one the previous one, maybe in year 2007/08). Many old accounts have also
got access if they have tried the beta update when they are prompted. And
also those who make viruses have enough programming power to scrap yahoo
site and do auto-logins (yes I know there is a captcha system for wrong

Hope I said everything correct. And please don't take anything personally
and start attacking me.

@Masnun bhai: Please don't think that everything said against windows is a
hatred. Windows is a nice OS, yes, but there are some shortcomings of
windows, accept them. Also the attacks I mentioned earlier are all possible
for Linux, though when using Ubuntu, general users most likely to use
software from trusted channel, so less virus attacks are possible than
windows. And advanced users most of the time don't install software without
Also many times you do sarcasms by pretending you don't know anything about
the topic/have no thoughts about the topic, and when someone talks about
it/share his/her knowledge you just point out their errors. Please first
share your opinions so that we can learn from them first, correct our
errors, then add something if we have. I am not saying you should not point
out our errors, you should, but first share your knowledge so that we can
share less wrong info.
If I hurt you then I am sorry, ignore my mail. I don't want to start another
quarrel like the previous one between us (if you can remember) without any


On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 10:07 PM, Junayeed Ahnaf Nirjhor <
zombiegenera...@aol.com> wrote:

> Hmm,
>  First of all, it is not possible for any alien process to access a
> browser's saved password. Not at least if you do not use any homebrew
> browser. Then , I think the malware phishes a user to login to an identical
> website or get read & write permission.
> After all, we don't always read all those jargon about permission and try
> to
> skip. It can happen mostly from porn site (Speaking from experience :P).
> Lastly, we'll never fully realize a virus mechanics. The moment we do, the
> author will change the algorithm to keep it up to date with latest
> loopholes.
> Hope I am correct.
> Peace be upon you -
> Junayeed Ahnaf Nirjhor
> Twitter - @Nirjhor
> --
> Ubuntu Bangladesh
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bd
Ubuntu Bangladesh

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