Hallo iedereen, Bonjour tout le monde!

First, the Workshop at the vlod fair just changed at the last minute to
Monday 5/3 from 10 till 11 o'clock, so update your Calendars.

I would also like to get together with everybody interested to help us
organise the fair around Monday 12 februari, in the evening in Ghent. (I
can't earlier, because I'm not in Belgium).

We will meet around sharp 20:15  at Gent-Sint-Pieters (I'm coming from
Leuven) The exact location will be confirmed later(around G-S-P).
You want to come? Add yourself to the wiki[1] or mail or call:0486226021

François Cauwe

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/VLOD_2007/PreparationMeeting

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