
Bruno, is the current version of the Location module compatible with
the planned Drupal version (there is an hidden question here) ? Does
it provides any search API over the geolocalization data (like the
nearest node, or all nodes in a specific area, etc.) ? I would better
contribute to an existing project than re-inventing yet another wheel.
But I fear this module may be too generics (because it's support
geolocalization of any node) without providing the features we need
(because not designed to provide them).

Pierre (V.), please see the requirements
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/2008/WebsiteRequirements). OpenID
is planned, for both the web site and the support point map (since
it's backend will be the web site).

On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 8:41 PM, Pierre Vorhagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> This gives me an idea... yesterday I discussed integration of OpenID in
> all Ubuntu wikis, like it is already tested here:
> https://testwiki.ubuntu.com/ (try to connect and you will see). The
> final aim is to use the same launchpad ID everything...
> I suggest thinking ahead and integrating this technology in the support
> points map now, before it becomes the "usual" way of registering for
> Ubuntu activities...
> Pierre
> Bruno De Bondt a écrit :
>> Pierre Buyle wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>> Drupal customization is needed to use Drupal as back-end for the
>>> support points map. There is two "customization" that are needed. We
>>> should find the way to store "supporters profile information" (see
>>> current support points map at http://map.ubuntu.be for what's in it)
>>> in Drupal user profile. For this I know there is a Drupal module that
>>> can be used to attach CCK nodes to users. But maybe there is a better
>>> solution (I don't know Drupal very much). We will also need a way to
>>> search this information. For end-used through a nice Web UI. From the
>>> JavaScript through a JSON or XML API. I've no idea how we could do
>>> this second part with Drupal.
>> Have a look at the the Location module
>> (http://drupal.org/project/location). Basically, it allows Drupal
>> objects (such as nodes) to be associated with geographical information.
>> According  to the project's description, it should be possible to feed
>> this info to a Google map:
>> "(...)
>> - provides methods to perform geocoding operations (address -> lat/long
>> coordinates) using third-party geocoding service providers
>> - provides methods to connect to various third-party web map service
>> providers"
>> Does this look ok?
>> - bruno
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