2009/7/25 Mattias Campe <mattias.ca...@gmail.com>:
> Toen ik nog studeerde aan de UGent (toen nog RUG) was daar een
> gelijkaardige situatie. We hadden in eerste kan een vak
> "Gebruikersaspecten van besturingssystemen" van A. Declercq waar een
> stuk DOS en *nix-scripting inzat. De oefeningen gebeurden ook via een
> Windows machine door in te loggen op een *nix-box. Het leren installeren
> van Linux hebben we daar nooit gezien. Dat moest "achter de uren
> gebeuren" ;). Of men nu nog *nix-scripting ziet weet ik niet.

Yes, this is still the case. While A. Declercq has retired now, there
are still classes on scripting and *nix systems. I don't exactly know
how those classes are structured, but all freshman get a free ubuntu
CD which is used during the courses. As said, I don't know if they
learn how to install ubuntu, but each year there are several students
who install it on their own.  Most of them keep it as a dual boot
configuration. The switch to use it as main OS mostly happens in the
second or third year. I even heard of some math students who switched
to ubuntu.

So yeah, it's surely a good idea to bring the students in contact with
ubuntu. If they don't switch to it, at least they heard about and have
it available :)

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