Antwerp rocks!
I think the dual boot option is the most attractive for beginners to try it
out. I always suggested to get the help of one of the support points to
install this, if the user is not confident in re-partitioning a drive..

What I found that worked well, is to make it a challenge: Sacrifice 10GB of
your drive for a dual boot and try it oyut, and you'll see you won't turn
back to Windows after 6 months.
Another thing that was attractive for some, was the option of re-using their
old computer.

All in all a great fair and wonderful result.


On 9/14/09, jean7491 <> wrote:
> Booth report (has been added to the wiki, pictures will follow)
> The booth has been organized as described in this wiki :
> - with 7 volunteers (Bram, Koen, Jan, Jean, Thijs, Ward, Willem), the work
> schedule was improved and better adapted : 2 all the day, 4 from 09.00 h.
> till 14.00 h. and 1 from 14.00 till the end),
> - enough hardware (4 laptops, 2PC, 1 additional TV screen ) and additional
> material.
> The Dipro Computer fair was coupled with a musical fair at the same
> location. The Ubuntu-be booth was located closed to the music part at a
> unfavourable location, but next to the booth of Computerclub C&T. There was
> not enough place for visitors to walk.
> The work was organized as follow :
> - 1 TV screen + 1 desktop at the beginning of the booth, with 1 or 2
> volunteers at the corner of the booth (for an easier contact with visitors),
> to address the public attracted by the presentation (see wiki :
> Ubuntu_short_presentation-NL.odp),
> - 4 laptops and 1 PC All-in-screen, with 3 volunteers in front of the
> tables, giving explanations and demonstrations, distributing flyers and cd's
> ;
> - 1 volunteer at the other side of the booth for general control and
> security of the booth.
> Our booth (3 tables for the price of 2) was well adapted to our deployment.
> We lacked of depth back of the booth due to other booths material.
> We should ask the Dipro organization at least 3 tables and a better
> location (like at a wall and close to the main entrance).
> The booth was correctly decorated with table cloth, posters, flyers,
> plastic stands with A4 flyers.
> We improvised a kind of support to fix 4 posters as background of the
> booth. Working with laptop on the table is not easy when you and the visitor
> are standing in front of the table, we used 1 wooden box to elevate 1 laptop
> ( ± 30 cm high). We should find other easy solutions.
> There was no WiFi, nor internet connection.
> We distributed approximatively 200 flyers, 30 information sheets, 100
> explanation sheet about live-cd's and 90 cd's Ubuntu 9.04 (+ a few other
> versions), always on request of interested persons and with explanation.
> With a stock of 15 original cd's and 20 home-burned cd's, we had to burn 80
> cd's and used home-printed CD sleeves. We should prepare the fair by burning
> at home more cd's and printing decorated cd sleeves.
> From 10.30 to 15.00 h. : many interested visitors, we were permanently busy
> with questions, explanations and demonstrations (full manning of the
> booth!). From 15.00 to 16.30 h. : less public, but permanently visitors with
> questions.
> Generally visitors knew about Ubuntu and were interested by additional
> information. Some people did not know about the existence of Ubuntu, likely
> they were more interested by the music instruments fair than in computer,
> but we sometimes succeeded to attract their attention.
> The (slide show) general presentation of Ubuntu has been successful for
> this public.
> Many questions about the co-existence Ubuntu - Windows (dual boot) and how
> to work with a live-cd.
> Suggestion : we should prepare short video's (with or without comment) as
> demonstration to explain :
> - how to use a live-cd;
> - the step “Partitioning – where to install Ubuntu” during the install
> process,
> - the dual-boot Ubuntu – Windows.
> *Who has the experience skin and possibility to realize such video-clips ?
> *Finance
> 106 euro gifts, booth fee 50 euro, we bought 3x50 cd's (12,50
> euro/spindel), 4 x 50 cd sleeves (2,50 euro/each), the remaining 18,50 euro
> will be transferred to Ubuntu-be account by Jean7491.
> The remaining stock of blanco cd's  and cd sleeves will be used in the next
> events.
> *Summary*
> It was a very successful event for Ubuntu promotion, with enough motivated
> volunteers (6) from the Antwerp area.
> We need video-clips as explanation support, boxes to elevate the laptops
> and supports for posters.
> We already started the preparation of the Dipro comuters fair in Antwerp on
> 29/11/2009.
> --
> Jean
> *Ubuntu Belgium Events Team*

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