IRC meeting 23/09/2010 – Report
Present at the meeting (in random order) : JanC, Clamam, siegie, massimo21, gadeynebram, Jean7491, ILUsion

1. Past and future events - September 2010
 a. Software Freedom Day (18/9) - Ostend - report
Organized in cooperation with Thanks the help (JanC, Frank en Samuel), everything went smoothly, about 50 interested people, a lot of questions, mainly about OpenOffice and Ubuntu. See report and pictures in

 b. Dipro fair Charleroi 19/09 - report
Everything went good, with Adrien en sarawa, local LUG's (Culbutte and CLIC) and Educoo.

c. Nielse Computer Dag (26/09) in cooperation with local computerclub Monitor. Team includes 4 volunteers, preparation is OK.

 d. Dipro fair Hasselt (26/09) : team is ready.

e. Dipro fair Kortrijk (10/10) : Volunteers, please add your names in the wiki

f. Dipro fair Brugge (17/10) : Volunteers, please add your names in the wiki

f. Lanparty in Blankenberge end of October: organized by the Young Council, with the help of gadeynebram.

2. Promotion
 a. Adding (commercial and non-commercial) links to the website
See detail/draft in the wiki JanC is working for an email address "", as single point of entry/contact. As soon as the address is ready and tested, information and procedure will be posted in the mailing list and can be relayed through personal contacts to interested companies/organizations, hopefully within a few days.

b. t-shirts for Ubuntu-be (warddr is leading the project, but not present) For design proposals, see . A new design (v8) has been added, based on the one presented in Ubuntu-Nl forum, but respecting the logo-guidelines.

Participants to the meeting vote for 3 best designs as follow: 3 votes for v4be, 2 votes for v2, v6be, v7be-black and v7be-white, and 1 vote for v1, v3, v5 (with a minor change) and v8. Remark is made that printing on the sleeve might be expensive. As not enough participants/votes, *_additional vote is asked through the mailing list_*, before 29/09/2010 at 12.00 hr. During the next IRC meeting on 29/09, we will examine the pre-selection and decide wich design will be used for the t-shirts. We should start with 100 t-shirts (as previously agreed), and with pre-sale action (when final design is decided). Procedure? Through a wiki page or email to a coordinator, but no pre-payement. Special pre-sale price can include eventual porto-cost and be lower than the normal sale price. No further information from warddr about this issue.

 c. Ubuntu and Facebook ?
An Ubuntu-be Facebook page exists : we should agree with the owner of the page about its administration. Clamam is taking contact with the creator. We need a team of interested people to ensure a “animated” page about our activities. Clamam leads the Facebook-team in charge of the page. The main task of the Facebook-team is Ubuntu-be internal coordination and animation of the page, including information about our activities. People interested in cooperating on this Facebook issue will be welcome in the team : please apply through IRC meeting or mailing list. gadeynebram joins the Facebook-team.

 d. Ubuntu and Education
A lot of things are related to Education : contacts with PCVO's, promotion in schools, "Introductiesessie", "buurthuizen", what can we propose to schools ?, “ICTpraktijkdag”. As already stated, we need an “Education-team” : expertise in Ubuntu-be exists, but someone should take initiative to start a discussion group (what can be done in this matter ?). gadeynebram and ILUsion are willing to help (as students). It is suggested to organize evening lessons, but with a lot of questions, which public is targeted?, what?, when?, how?, who?, ... Are people asking for such lessons? Another possibility is to organize locally small install/release/information/discover parties.

3. Update Wiki Belgian Team - Promotion material
Availibility of material (posters, flyers, ...) is listed in and should be updated by who has promotion material available for Ubuntu-be. A list of the available promotion material (presentations, banner, flyers, ...) can be found in Par. 5 of the wiki page , but it is not so easy to find it!
- the list of the available promotion material should be moved in a separate page, linked to the Par. Material fo the Wiki Belgian Team home page, - a link to this page "Promotion material" should be included in home page, - the structure of the wiki should be reviewed for an easier access to information. Maybe a special meeting is needed for updating the site & wiki? In preparation for future meeting (specific or weekly), suggestions and comments can be sent through the mailing list.

4. Support points map status
The map has been replaced by a list of support points which renewed their commitments. But not everyone did it: it is easy to do it through login on the website, >create content >supporter profile. mongolito404 is working further on this issue. There was a wrong link in a message he sent to support points for renewal of commitment. Hopefully the problem will be solved within a few days.

5. Things living in the mailing list and others questions ?
a. For information, 1 newcomer in the Belgian Local Community Team last week: sbpir92i (16/09), no further information.

b. Belgian Team monthly report : we still need someone taking the lead for monthly reporting. The aim is to inform Ubuntu community about our activity - see . As we started again activities in September, we have things to report. JanC will look into making a team report. Who is volunteer to assist Jan in this matter ?

6. Next IRC meeting on Wednesday 29/09/2010 at 21.00 hr.

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