IRC meeting 10/02/2011 – Report
Present at the meeting (in random order) : JanC, mongolito404, jimbauwens, ramtar, sylvaintechnic, woutervddn, Jean7491

1. Past and future events
 a. Dipro fair Kortrijk 06/02/2011  - report
Good event, see report and pictures in the wiki page

 b. FOSDEM 2011 Brussels - 05-06/02/2011  - report
JanC is preparing a report. Things went pretty well, the team sold a lot of t-shirts & Tux chocolates and bought 200 metalic case badges. JanC got the leftover "Weg naar de vrijheid" posters and gave 750 of them to Ubuntu-nl, 250 to Guy Duportail and has between 750 & 1000 left.

 c. Hobby and computers days - Antwerp 26-27/02/2011
Ubuntu-be will organize a booth during the 2 days (coordinator: Bram). Therefore, we need at least 2x4 volunteers. A few names are already in, but not enough, we need 2 additional volunteers each day. Willing to help promoting Ubuntu ? Please add your names in the wiki A few Tux chocolates, cd's, t-shirts and metallic case badges could be moved to Antwerp: to be coordinated with Bram and nero.

 d. Digital Week 2011 - 28/02-04/03/2011
Already scheduled on 03/03/2011: presentation (2 sessions) of Ubuntu in the public library – Ostend Volunteers wishing to help in Ostend ? Contact jean7491. Other event on 26/02 in Niel : see

 e. Dipro fair Brugge – 13/03/2011
Volunteers? please add your names in the wiki

 f. Dipro Charleroi – 20/03/2011
ramtar will coordinate the booth, he already contacted the LUG's Culbutte and Laclic. Sylvain joins the team. Other volunteers? Please add your names in
Preparation of the promotion material will start soon.

2. Promotion
 a. t-shirts - Update
80 t-shirts were sold at Fosdem. Remaining stock t-shirts: Women: S = 1 ∘ M = 2 ∘ L = 4 • Men: M = 4 ∘ L = 8 ∘ XL = 1. It is suggested to move the left-over stock to Antwerp Hobby and computersdays and to order another 100 t-shirts (already 26 ordered in pre-sale).
Kids t-shirts with a different funny design is another possibility.

 b. Ubuntu promotion material for fairs/events :
- "Weg naar de vrijheid" posters: it is suggested to distribute (free) posters in Antwerp, and to announce it through Dipro regular email, for example, a gratis poster to the x first visitors (with a story?). This could be an opportunity to ask people to write about experiences with Ubuntu.

- Flyers Ubuntu-be a6 (2011)
We need more new ideas/designs for new flyers 2011. Proposals are in . Please add your proposals/comments in the mailing list for discussion (and in the wiki). ramtar will translate the flyer in French. woutervddn will provide the source file. Deadline for the project: 01 June 2011

- Rollups to improve our booths: which design? First proposals are already in. Please add your proposals in the wiki page: Question to Canonical (if (free or cheap) rollups are available?) will be sent through the LoCo-teams Council and the (mailing list). Perhaps other LoCo teams are interested?

 c. Press contact Fench
ramtar is volunteer to replace Nicolas P. who resigned a few months ago. Sylvain is volunteer as second contact point. No objection, nor remark, the applications were approved.

3. Update Wiki and Web-site
 a. Wiki
- A link “where to buy a laptop without MS Windows “ (to an outdated page) has been added to the home page (see Material). This page needs to be updated ( - An update of the wiki will start with a To Do list ( and . An IRC meeting is planned on 15/02 at 20.00 h. (for who is interested), with a report at the next meeting. Details will be sent to the mailing list.

 b. Web-site
- We are now working (thanks mongolito404) at a contact-form to be included in the web-site, as a way to contact ubuntu-be (not for technical support), The form is at and needs translations (Nl and Ge).

- woutervddn is working on a page promoting our actions/events (text and pictures). The aim is to show what we do, hoping that new volunteers will join. It is suggested to promote our work/hobby on Facebook, in the wiki and web-site.

- ramtar proposes to add our activities in

4. Other questions
A meeting IRL of interested Ubunteros is suggested (Meet & Drink - Ubuntu Hour), perhaps an Ubuntu happy hours could be easier to organize,locally, before trying a bigger central meeting? Brugge, Hasselt-Genk, Antwerpen ? Additionally but not priority, this kind of meeting could be an opportunity to launch/coordinate future activities.

5. Next IRC meeting on Thursday 17/02/2011 at 21.00 hr.

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