IRC "ISO/USB Project" Meeting Report Ubuntu-be - Thursday 2nd of June 
2011Present at the meeting (in random order): ehj ( European 
Parliament), YoBoY (ubuntu-fr leadership), Skynetbbs, DarkEra, LarsB, warddr, 
jurgentje, JanC, StefandeVries, pvr, woutervddn(note: this isn't a "regular" 
weekly meeting)

Agenda topics: ISO Project, USB Project, General things concerning these 
projectsExtra topic on the agenda: Ubuntu fest at the European Parliament

= ISO =To make stuff easier for belgian users and to gain popularity we are 
going to make our own ISO. An Ubuntu respin with a few changes that make life 
easier for Belgian Users.We discussed this project before, more info about that 
can be found at: (these pages 
should be updated..)We need some people who take the lead in this project so it 
won't bleed to dead. Candidates to lead this project to victory, please step 
forward!The leader of the project needs to make sure stuff doesn't stall. Small 
decisions can be made entirly by the ISO team, that way we speed stuff up.
PROJECT GUIDELINES:Note that these guidelines are a beginning, the ISO team 
should try to endorse these guidelines. The general ideas and guidelines of 
Ubuntu need to be taken in account.A target date should be set in order to keep 
things moving. (having the 11.04 ISO before 11.10 comes out is crusial.)
Values:- We keep the official program choise of Canonical/Ubuntu but include a 
minor amount of programs and drivers that are on general interest for belgian 
citizens.- No change to the Restricted Extra options. (due to legal issues and 
ubuntu values)- Support to the Ubuntu guidelines- Endorse users to get to know 
their system (we can teach them with video's we make)- Canonical has put a 
serious amount of time in developing the software center, we should make people 
use it!- Keeping things simple- No 'special' programs or programs only usefull 
to a specific type of user.
Needed:- Both a 32bit and a 64bit version- Fully supported languages by 
default: en, de, nl, fr (as default boot language English is suggested)- Based 
on Ubuntu 11.04- Only Gnome classic and Unity interface- AZERTY by default- USB 
key should have an install icon on teh desktop once it is booted in live mode.- 
Default homepage in firefox should be E-ID program and driver
Unwanted:- PPA's (at least for now as a PPA gives us responibility for security 
breaches) [exception for ppa's without security issues (see later)]- Extra 
DE's- Media players and other stuff that requires restricted extras- 
'professional' software- Unity 2D (yet) (once we hit 11.10 it will be default 
fallback and stable enough for us to integrade.)- Software of which we aren't 
sure it's going to be supported for the time the ubuntu version is supported.
Wanted:- (Pre-boot) GUI should list the 4 languages prior to the install 
proces- Possiblity for both a Persistent and a Pristine boot would be nice 
(U-fr uses only persistent)
What we might want to add (later):- Instruction Videos should endorse our users 
to explorer and get to know their system, yet keep it simple enough for 
everyone to follow      Videos showing apps that might be usefull for some but 
not for all can be handled here so people find their way to them..- A PPA for 
Ubuntu-be containing LibreOffice Impress templates and Desktop Wallpapers is 
adviced.      Due to the lack of goodlooking LibreOffice Impress templates, the 
Desktop Wallpapers are just a way to promote ourselves..      might be added 
later, no need to stall the project for this..   we could ask OSPublish to make 
us a wallpaper- We could make some dedicated distro's as well afterwards (a 
kubuntu one, or a rescue version..)

= USB =The ISO we make should find it's way to belgian ubuntu users. We need a 
way to get it out. One of these ways is a USB drive.CDs are slow and netbooks 
(often) come without a CD drive, selling USBs instead of giving away CDs sets 
Ubuntu-be on its way to the future.As with the ISO team, we need people who 
believe in this project and put their wings underneath it to make it fly.A 
leader for this project has the same job as the ISO leader: make sure the 
project keeps going and doesn't stall or bleed to dead.Participants to this 
projects and candidate leaders: step forward.A WIKIpage should be created for 
PROJECT GUIDELINES:These guidelines are just a beginning, the USB team should 
try to endorse them and add more detail to them. The general ideas and 
guidelines of Ubuntu need to be taken in to account.We should try to finish the 
USB project within the same period as the ISO project is finished. 
Collaboration between the ISO project and the USB project is crusial.
The hardware:- 4GB- The logo must say instead of just Ubuntu-be.  
woutervddn will make some logos somewhere next week, feel free to make your 
own. The logo is our billboard, it should look amazing!- No fancy stick, just a 
color imprint 2 colors, 1 side (except if 2nd side would be free)- getting a 
sample USB stick to testdrive first is an extreme PLUS (So we can see how fast 
it is and the quality..)- Speed of the stick is very important (both read and 
The software:- 1 partition (we don't want windows to ask our users to format 
the drive, a PERSONAL DATA map or similiar is suggested to keep users from 
putting their stuff anywhere though)
General:- People need to choose if they want 32bit or 64bit on the USB stick.- 
Vendor is choosen once the ISO is (almost) ready [so after the exams]- We don't 
need to top the budget, keeping prices low is a good thing (although we 
shouldn't pay attention to this if we can get an extreme amount of benefit from 
it)- we might try to find a sponsor, or a partner for this- we should ask shops 
and other compagnies who sell/give ubuntu systems. (multiseatcomputer,, others on our website.)       as jurgen said: the ones on our 
site... they all take pride in selling Ubuntu... I think we should challenge 
them ;)- Pre-order like the shirts would be great
Ubuntu-fr:Ubuntu-fr has a similar project, we can always aks help.
- Ubuntu-fr gets their sticks from flashbay, speed seems to be a huge deal. 
(they tested)- Ubuntu-fr contact: ( pyg is the most 
capable to talk about the speed of the keys, followed by rmy but he's really 
busy atm organising the rmll)

=GENERAL=- We need leaders for these projects and we also need participants. If 
you are willing to help with one or more of these projects, please step 
forward.- It is adviced that we have a blog or something else that shows 
interesting content when people using our iso open the webbrowser. We want them 
to keep Ubuntu-be as their default homepage.- Congradulations to jurgentje, 
he's pregnant (well actually his wife is)..

= UBUNTU FEST AT THE EURPEAN PARLIAMENT =ehj has asked us if we could hold an 
ubuntu fest at the European Parliament. epfsug is ground breaking concidering 
the way things go in the EP, if this takes off it would open doors for ubuntu 
and FOSS. Because many members of the EP aren't really in love with FOSS we 
might want to add another FOSS group to the agenda (libreoffice, FireFox, EFF, 
APRIL...).They currently have a test program where users have a triple boot on 
their laptops (ubuntu being 1 of them..)Find out more about the European 
Parliament Free Software Users Group at epfsug.euThings they are working on can 
be found at http://pad.epfsug.euMore info about our project with epfsug can be 
found on:
What:- it needs to be something Fun and Interesting- we might want to concider 
giving an USB-stick to each attending Belgian MEP- fest might also include key 
signing an install party. 
When:- Although we were asked to do something before their summerbreak we 
realize that might not be ideal. Therefore we are planning to hold a small 
meeting in July and hold a 'big' meeting september, jurgentje adviced somewhere 
around software freedom day (saturday 17th of September).- pink or blue dates 
are good dates to organize an event on: we're holding a prep 
meeting in july
Who:- Participants are wanted for this fest.- A talk from a high profile ubuntu 
member would be great! Ideas?
Other:- we might need our rollouts sooner than planned..- seperate flyers for 
the EP would be nice..- we'll discuss this more during the meeting of next 
week.- more details will follow                                          
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