Okay... so here's another link - on how to create a multiboot USB
stick... (if not to be used on our own disc... then maybe interesting
for the people who want to make their own multiboot USB stick)

Here's what I'm going to put on a stick:
- Ubuntu 64/32
- (Ubuntu Localized version asap)
- Lubuntu 32
- Edubuntu 32/64
- Ubuntu Studio 64
- Ubuntu Rescue Remix 32
- Backtrack 64

This way, I've got my 8 GIG stick pretty nicely populated :)

This is the link:

(basically, it's an advantage of Grub 2)

Just one more thing I'd look into: maybe I can get Burg to work on it
too, to have a nicer bootloader.


On 06/02/2011 08:13 AM, Jurgen Gaeremyn wrote:
> Hey list,
> I just got the preview mail of the new Linux Magazine (to which I'm
> subscribed). It comes with a DVD with "Ubuntu Six Pack" (Ubuntu,
> Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Mythbuntu, Ubuntu Rescue Mix)
> Maybe we can look and learn :)
> Here's a link:
> http://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2011/128/Ubuntu-11.04-Sixpack-DVD
> (also a nice place to get a trial, or subscribe to the magazine)
> Grtz,
> Jurgen.
> P.S. Hope to make it this evening, can't promise yet.
> On 05/25/11 22:16, Bram Gadeyne wrote:
>> Hoi,
>> De aanvragen voor ubuntu cd's stromen binnen.
>> Nu is het zo dat ik eigenlijk ook dvd-tjes kan meegeven aan de mensen.
>> Is er iemand die weet hoe ik eventueel de 32 en 64 bit versies van
>> ubuntu, kubuntu en eventueel edubuntu kan distribueren op dergelijke
>> dvd? Mocht er iemand tegelijk ook weten hoe je dit kan personaliseren
>> met een menu en standaard selectie Nederlands en dergelijke dan is dit
>> ook welkom.
>> Met vriendelijke groeten
>> Bram Gadeyne

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