On 08/08/13 16:15, Ward De Ridder wrote:
Hello everyone

I have been thinking for a log time to start some kind of Linux User Group in 
A couple of days ago a friend brought the idea up again, so I though it was 
time to do something with it.
My idea is just to have a beer, talk about linux and help each other out with 
their problems. Maybe some workshops / ....

The frequency of the meetups and things like that can all be discussed on a 
first meeting.
I've got a location we can use, hackerspace VoidWarranties in Deurne 
(Herrystraat 22). The location is free, drinks are sold at a very reasonable 
price, there is an internet connection, a beamer, ....

Is anyone in to this idea?

Please forward this mail if you know other interested people!


Hey Ward,

ik kon jammer genoeg niet aanwezig zijn op de geplande bijeenkomst. Komt er nog een vervolg?

Mvg, Noël aka Nero

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