linux service schreef op vr 01-04-2016 om 14:30 [+0200]:
> What is need to be done? We cannot let this go by while ubuntu is now
> growing.

The team needs to become active again.  Re-approval will require proof
of sustained activity over a significant time (at least > 6 months but
better about 1 year).

> We can provide some funds/sponsoring,,

Money is not what is needed for now (there is enough in the bank
account), but you can help with other types of sponsoring too of course
(as you have done in the past).

A big enough group of people who have time & ideas to organize
activities is what is needed.

PS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will be released soon, so organizing some "release
parties" or other activities to celebrate that would be a good start.

Jan Claeys

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