Aqui vai a msg:

Hi all,
> Ubuntu is once again participating in the Google Summer of Code [1].
> We would like to make as many projects as possible, available for
> students to work on.
> It is a great opportunity to expose new students to the wonderful world
> of Ubuntu, get some exciting projects off the ground and get good
> exposure for the projects, students and organisations alike.
> SoC 2007 starts early this year, so there are even better chances to
> get projects for the second Ubuntu release this year (around October
> 2007).
> What can you do to help?
> We need
>  - Exciting project ideas - preferably with detailed specs.  Ideas can
>    be related to the following broad topics:
>    * Ubuntu [2]
>    * Edubuntu [3]
>    * Kubuntu [4]
>    * Accessability [5]
>  - If you have a project idea, and would like it to be considered,
>    please add a project headings with a brief description to our Ideas
>    Page [6].  Selected projects will be tracked on Blueprint.  If you
>    are ready to create a detailed spec please add it to Blueprint [7].
>    We would encourage members of the community who have been thinking
>    of a cool new feature or plan to seize the opportunity to get it
>    into the idea pool, as it might just get selected and implemented.
>    You can see a list of proposed projects at [8].
>  - Mentors - volunteers in the know who will answer any questions the
>    selected students have, and help them to settle into the community
>    for the duration of the SoC.  You will also be responsible for
>    providing feedback to Google, the Student and Canonical on the
>    project progress, as well as evaluating the project at the end of
>    the programme.  For your time and trouble you will receive a cool
>    limited edition t-shirt!  If you would like to volunteer to be a
>    mentor, please contact [9].
>  - Good capable eligible Students, to apply for the projects. If you
>    are a registered student and are over 18 years of age, you can
>    apply for one of the projects (applications open on the Summer of
>    Code page starting March 14 2007).  We would like to select
>    students who are enthusiastic about our projects and are able to
>    commit the time and energy required to make them successful.
>    Please make your applications detailed and give us enough
>    information to be able to make an intelligent selection.  Please
>    remember that being selected is a privilege and a great
>    opportunity.  The more you commit, the greater your chance of a
>    fantastic reward at the end Additionally if it is really good your
>    code might be included in Ubuntu!  See [10] for the SoC FAQ.
>    Additional informations about your project should be provided in
>    the Ubuntu/Kubuntu wikis in the form of a specification.
> The full Summer of Code rules can be found in the student FAQ [11]
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> [8]
> [9] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [10]
> Feel free to contact Scott James Remnant or Matthias Klose, if you
> require any further information. Please email

Lucas Arruda
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