Eu to usando ele a 3 semanas e esta duca!!!!
Melhor, mais rápido, mais bonito e com muito mais!

Mas não mande seu dinheiro agora!!

Com o 7.04 vc recebe inteiramente grátis um sistema de
Adicionar/Remover programas livres com repositórios oficiais e

A liberdade ao alcance dos cliques de seu mouse!

"Eu sempre me perdia em crackers e seriais, mas com o Ubuntu 7.04 eu
sou um novo homem!" - Roger Daltrey Jr. Brown Brown - Passadena.


On 3/23/07, Renato Cosentino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> alguém sabe quando sai a versão final do 7.04? alguém já testou este beta?
> abs!
>  Ubuntu 7.04 BETA
> The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the beta release of Ubuntu 7.04.
> Ubuntu 7.04 is the most user-friendly Ubuntu to date and includes a
> ground-breaking Windows migration assistant, excellent wireless networking
> support and improved multimedia support.
> Ubuntu 7.04 server edition adds support for hardware facilities that speed
> up the use of virtual machines as well as other improved hardware support,
> making it an excellent choice as a web, database, file and print server, the
> fastest growing area of Linux server use.
> Desktop highlights
> *Windows migration tool:* The new migration tool recognises Internet
> Explorer bookmarks, Firefox favourites, desktop wallpaper, AOL IM contacts,
> and Yahoo IM contacts, and imports them into Ubuntu during installation.
> This offers easier and faster migration for new users of Ubuntu and
> individuals wanting to run a dual-boot system.
> *Easy-to-install codec wizards:* A new guided wizard for installing codecs
> not shipped with Ubuntu gives users a safe way of installing codecs they can
> legally use to view multimedia content.
> *Plug and play network sharing with Avahi:* This new feature allows users to
> automatically discover and join a wireless network and share music, find
> printers and more.
> Server highlights
> *Virtualisation support:* On x86 systems with the Intel VT or AMD-V
> extensions, Kernel-based Virtual Machine support (KVM) allows users to run
> multiple virtual machines running unmodified Linux. Each virtual machine has
> private virtualised hardware: a network card, disk, graphics adapter, and so
> on. We have also added VMI support, which provides optimised performance
> under VMWare.
> Edubuntu highlights
> *Thin client:* Edubuntu integrates the latest thin client technology out of
> the box. Edubuntu Classroom Server consists of two CDs, a server image and a
> server add-on image with additional education applications and languages.
> *
> Improved documentation:* The Edubuntu handbook with tips and best practices
> for educators and educational IT administrators is included.
> Thin Client highlights
> *Print and sound support:* Jetpipe, a new printing architecture for thin
> clients, greatly improves on previous technologies.  Sound support in
> applications is also dramatically improved with the PulseAudio sound server.
> *
> Thin client management:* Administrators can now manage thin client
> connections to a server more easily.
> Other
>    - On the Desktop: GNOME 2.18, 2.2.0rc3, 7.2
>    - On the Server: Apache 2.2, PostgreSQL 8.2, PHP 5.2.1, LTSP 5.0
>    - "Under the hood": GCC 4.1.2, glibc 2.5, Linux 2.6.20, Python 2.5
> The full release notes can be found at
> About Ubuntu
> Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for your desktop, laptop, thin client and
> server, with a fast and easy install. The Ubuntu project makes no separation
> between our free edition and our enterprise edition - this is our best work
> and it is freely available.
> Used by businesses, home users, schools and governments around the world,
> Ubuntu offers regular releases, a tight selection of excellent packages
> installed by default and professional commercial technical support from
> Canonical Ltd and hundreds of other companies.
> Ubuntu 7.04 will be supported for 18 months on both the desktop and on the
> server.  Upgrades to new releases will always be free of charge.
> To Get Ubuntu 7.04 Beta
> Download Ubuntu 7.04 Beta here (choose the mirror closest to you):
>   Europe:
> (Sweden)
> (Spain)
> (The Netherlands)
> (The Netherlands)
> (Ireland)
> (Italy)
> (Poland)
> (Germany)
> (Bulgaria)
>   Australia:
>   Africa:
> (South Africa)
>   Rest of the world:
> (Great Britain)
> Please download using Bittorrent if possible.
> To upgrade from Ubuntu 6.10 to Ubuntu 7.04 Beta, follow these
> instructions:
> The final version of Ubuntu 7.04 is expected to be released in
> April 2007.
> Known Bugs
>    - Resizing ext2/ext3 file systems may fail unless a full file system
>    check has just been run. To work around this, run 'e2fsck -f DEVICE' (where
>    DEVICE is the name of the device in question, such as /dev/sda1) and retry
>    the resize operation after that completes. When using the desktop CD, you
>    can run this from a terminal window; when using the alternate install CD,
>    you can press Alt-F2 to get to a terminal, and Alt-F1 to return to the
>    installer.
>    - Systems with JMicron IDE(PATA) chipsets may experience a crash on
>    boot. This was not fixed in time for beta release, but a planned kernel
>    upload just after release will rectify the problem. A work around has not
>    been tested, but would involve blacklisting the `generic` kernel module.
> Feedback and Helping
> If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of
> ways you can participate at
> Your comments, bug reports, patches and suggestions will help turn
> this Beta into the best release of Ubuntu ever.  Please report bugs
> through the Launchpad bug tracker:
> If you have a question, or if you think you may have found a bug but
> are not sure, first try asking on the #ubuntu IRC channel on FreeNode,
> on the Ubuntu Users mailing list, or on the Ubuntu forums:
> More Information
> You can find out more about Ubuntu and about this preview release on
> our website, IRC channel and wiki. If you are new to Ubuntu, please
> visit:
> To sign up for future Ubuntu announcements, please subscribe to
> Ubuntu's very low volume announcement list at:
> --
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