apt-get install libtool

On Thursday 30 August 2007 17:17:43 binhara wrote:
> estou com esse problema no autogen ...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mono/mono$ ./autogen
> bash: ./autogen: Arquivo ou diretório inexistente
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mono/mono$ ./autogen.sh
> **Warning**: I am going to run `configure' with no arguments.
> If you wish to pass any to it, please specify them on the
> `./autogen.sh' command line.
> Running libtoolize...
> You should add the contents of `/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4' to
> `aclocal.m4'.
> Running aclocal  ...
> aclocal: configure.in: 252: macro `AM_PROG_AS' not found in library
> **Error**: aclocal failed. This may mean that you have not
> installed all of the packages you need, or you may need to
> set ACLOCAL_FLAGS to include "-I $prefix/share/aclocal"
> for the prefix where you installed the packages whose
> macros were not found

Msc. Eng. Elias Mussi
[EMAIL PROTECTED],minaslivre.org}
MinaS Livre www.minaslivre.org
Brasília - Distrito Federal - Brasil
GNUpg: 0x6217EA42

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