Quando instalei na minha máquina deu o mesmo pau e era o drive de video que
nao tava suportando, então eu instalei o drive certo e funcionou

2008/5/9 João Santana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Você abriu o crashlog gerado? Há alguma indicação de endereço ao qual
> reportar o bug?
> Em Qua, 2008-05-07 às 01:32 -0300, Jonas Bertucci escreveu:
> > Pessoal,
> >
> > Tô com o Ubuntu 8.04 e instalei aqui em casa o Google Earth. No entanto,
> ao
> > rodar o programa ele não da nenhum sinal de vida... não acontece nada...
> > Rodando pelo terminal (que não sei porque está com o nome de Consola
> desde
> > que instalei o 8.04), tenho a mensagem abaixo. Alguém tem idéia do que
> > fazer???
> > Valeu!
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ googleearth
> > Google Earth has caught signal 4.
> >
> > Stacktrace from glibc:
> >   ./googleearth-bin [0x804f3c7]
> >   ./googleearth-bin [0x804f8ed]
> >   [0xb7f79420]
> >   ./libbase.so(_ZN5earth17ScopedPerfSetting6createERK7QStringbb+0x64)
> > [0xb70c70f2]
> >   ./libbase.so(_ZN5earth17ScopedPerfSettingC2ERK7QStringbb+0x45)
> > [0xb70c718b]
> >   ./libbase.so(_ZN5earth20LogScopedPerfSettingC1ERK7QString+0x35)
> > [0xb70c7257]
> >
> >
> ./libgoogleearth_lib.so(_ZN5earth6client11Application13setupQtLocaleEv+0x42)
> > [0xb72e7a60]
> >   ./libgoogleearth_lib.so(_ZN5earth6client11Application3runEv+0x31)
> > [0xb72e7da9]
> >   ./googleearth-bin(main+0x2a1) [0x8050b77]
> >   /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe0) [0xb7116450]
> >   ./googleearth-bin [0x804f201]
> >
> >
> > We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
> >  This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
> >  circumstances. A bug report and debugging data are now being written
> >  to this text file:
> >
> >     /home/jonas/.googleearth/crashlogs/crashlog-F1DD9697.txt
> >
> > This bug report will be sent to Google automatically next time you run
> >  Google Earth. Its data, which contains no personal information, will
> help
> >  us correct problems without bothering you further. If you would rather
> >  this info not be transmitted, please delete the above file before
> running
> >  the program again. If you want bug reports to NEVER be sent, remove the
> >  above 'crashlogs' directory's read/write permissions.
> >
> > ===========================
> --
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