Pessoal da uma lida ai que enteressante!!!

Set a Firefox World

<>The New York Times
...Firefox Flicks <>...the Firefox crop
...Operation Firefox <> name it!  The
Firefox community is always up to some cool, collaborative way to declare
their passion for Firefox.  What better way to do this than band together to
set a Guinness World Record for the most software downloaded in 24 hours?!

It's a whole lot easier and safer than donning a beard of bees or underwater
jump roping. All you have to do is download Firefox 3 when it goes live on
Download Day -- some time in June. In the meantime check out *Download Day
Headquarters <>* and pledge to
download Firefox 3.  We'll let you know when Firefox 3 goes out the door,
kicking off our 24-hour attempt.

Here are some other ways you can help in the run up to Download Day:

* Get the word out; tell your friends, your neighbors, your grandma, anyone
and everyone to participate in Download Day.
* Host a party <> to download Firefox; you
provide the people and we'll provide the party favors.
* Put a Download Day badge on your blog, profile or website.

With your help the Firefox community can go down in history!  If you have
any questions or ideas please drop us a line at worldrecord @
Fernando Francisco
Celular: +55 38 91432228
Linux User: #472932
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