2008/12/10 Iuri Diniz <iuridi...@gmail.com>

> Isto se deve a mudança nos input drivers do ubuntu do 8.04 para o 8.10,
> isto resolve?
> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#VMWare
> Keyboard errors in VMware guest
> After installing VMWare 6.5, and installing a guest OS, the Function, arrow
> and Del/End/etc keys do not function. This is a bug with VMWare´s code. Add
> this line to ~/.vmware/config (create file if necessary) to fix this issue:
> xkeymap.nokeycodeMap = true
> OU
> http://nthrbldyblg.blogspot.com/2008/06/vmware-and-fubar-keyboard-effect.html
> no meu caso funciona o teclado completo
E ai funcionou?

Iuri Diniz
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