
Leiam os comentários no Gizmodo. Os caras destroem essa noticia, alias o
Gizmodo já foi bom e confiável (rs).

Menos, menos. A M$ tem toneladas de outras patentes que são mais
prejudiciais pro FOSS do que essa. E tb não lembro de nenhum processo dela
contra a comunidade. Ameças de processo sim. Mas logo percebeu que isso era
um tiro no pé. Sem contar da irritação que gerou no do Depto de Justiça dos

Enfim, essa noticia, sux. Vamos gastar nosso neuronios com questões
realmente importantes pra comunidade...

*Don't re-publish crap like this without reading the source. The patent has
nothing to do with patenting sudo, and in fact it's cited as previous work.

It's about a system that automatically detects that a security elevation is
required, then offers to elevate by offering a list of accounts that have
the required rights.

It's about automatically detecting the permission problem and then offering
other accounts. None of which sudo does.

And before you say, no OS X or Ubunto or Vista don't do that either, they
don't detect the security required, the prompts we get before doing
something are coded in the apps and not automatic.

Groklaw is just propanga. They are just posting their fake headlines to
support their viewpoint and they're as much law consultants or analyst as
Perez is a Hilton. It's basically FoxNews for patent and FOSS


**It's not specifically sudo, it's just some generic line that could remind
Actually, it could be tons of other things.

But I'm shure Microsoft haters will find in this yet another reason to call
it evil or whatever. Have fun.

Sounds more like a patent to protect itself from random unknown companies or
"inventors" that comes out of nowhere claiming they made the patent first
and sueing for ridiculous ammounts of money.

On another note, serious question here, has Microsoft ever sued other
companies with frivolous reasons?
Answer is probably yes, but I can't remember anything like that.

You know, like Apple sueing fruits companies or colleges/universities for
using a logo that looks like... you know, apples

2009/11/12 Thiago Gomes <>

> Repassando de uma outra lista
> Site:
> Patente:
> --
> Thiago Gomes
> --
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