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Em 28 de fevereiro de 2010 12:58, Fa <> escreveu:

> Oi
> 4 Cool New Features in Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha 3
> by Jim on 27. Feb, 2010 in Facebook, Social Media, Twitter, Ubuntu, lucid
> iPhone & iPod Touch Support
> Just last week, I was complaining about Ubuntu’s lack of built-in
> support for iPhones and newer iPods. Personally, I think this
> functionality is important if Ubuntu wants to grow in the consumer
> market. With the release of Lucid Alpha 3, I saw a couple of reports
> saying that iPhone and iPod Touch support was included out of the box.
> So, I plugged in my iPod Touch and was amazed to see it not only show up
> on my desktop, but also working inside Rhythmbox!
> Rhythmbox now allows you to drag and drop music to and from your iPhone
> or iPod Touch. Now, the only time you would need iTunes is to do a
> firmware upgrade on your iPhone or iPod Touch.  So, how long will it be
> before Apple moves to block Rhythmbox with an update?
> Gwibber and the MeMenu
> Ubuntu 10.04 brings social networking to the default desktop with
> Gwibber and the new MeMenu. This is part of Canonical’s “Social By
> Default” initiative for Lucid. Gwibber allows you to connect to multiple
> social networking sites and  interact with them in a unified window
> within Ubuntu. Gwibber currently supports Twitter, Facebook, Flickr,
> Digg,,, Qaiku, and FriendFeed. The MeMenu takes
> things even further, giving you an overview of all your social networks
> and chat accounts, even allowing you to set your status and post to your
> social networks right from the top panel.
> There is still quite a bit of work to do on the MeMenu if it’s going to
> meet the blueprints that have been made for it, but it’s coming along
> nicely. Gwibber also seems to be quite buggy, but a quick look at
> Launchpad shows that the developers are busy fixing bugs and adding
> features.  When 10.04 final hits the net in April, I think the “Social
> By Default” initiative will prove to be a huge success.
> Facebook Chat
> It’s only been two weeks since Facebook announced support for the
> XMPP/Jabber protocol, and Facebook chat support is already supported in
> Lucid Alpha 3. Empathy now includes Facebook chat along with the
> multitude of other chat protocols that it supports. With support for
> Facebook chat in Empathy and Facebook updates in Gwibber, you can now
> keep in touch with your Facebook contacts without ever visiting the site.
> Improved Sound Controls
> One thing that has really bugged me about the last two releases of
> Ubuntu is Pulse Audio. Ever since Ubuntu switched to Pulse Audio, I’ve
> had nothing but trouble with sound. Things seem a bit better in 9.10,
> but to get good control over sound you have to install the Pulse Audio
> Volume Control. Lucid Alpha 3 includes a new sound preference panel
> that’s available by default and right from the sound widget in the top
> panel.
> This sound preferences panel is a unified place for controlling
> everything sound related in Ubuntu. You can set your sound theme,
> configure your sound hardware, choose and configure input and output
> devices, and also see and control how individual programs are
> interacting with your sound devices. This is especially useful for
> configuring applications like Skype.
> Conclusion
> Ubuntu 10.04 is shaping up to be a fine release. Alpha 3 is pretty
> stable and brings some great new features with it. There are still more
> features to come, such as the Ubuntu One Music Store and possibly a new
> theme. I look forward to tracking Lucid’s progress and installing it on
> all of my workstations when it is released in April.
> 5 Responses to “4 Cool New Features in Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha 3”
>    1. wolfen69 28. Feb, 2010 at 1:58 am #
>       I thought the inclusion of Simple Scan is genius. A very simple
> but good scanning app. Kudos to the devs. Lucid should be a great release.
>            Jim 28. Feb, 2010 at 6:25 pm #
>             Thanks for the tip! Simple Scan is really nice indeed. I
> even decided to write a little post about it.
>    2. Ciborium 28. Feb, 2010 at 7:27 am #
>       “Rhythmbox now allows you to drag and drop music to and from your
> iPhone or iPod Touch. Now, the only time you would need iTunes is to do
> a firmware upgrade on your iPhone or iPod Touch. So, how long will it be
> before Apple moves to block Rhythmbox with an update?”
>       In that case you don’t need iTunes, because you don’t want to
> upgrade your firmware, or you might break compatibility. It’s kind of
> like updating BIOS. Don’t do it unless something is broken!
>    3.Johannes 28. Feb, 2010 at 6:10 pm #
>       Seems that the sound controls were aready there in 9.10.
>       Anyway, thanks for the review :-)
>             Jim 28. Feb, 2010 at 6:23 pm #
>             Johannes,
>             Seems you are right – they were just a bit harder to find.
> At any rate, the new system looks great and I hope that Pulse Audio will
> be more stable this time around.
> Retirado de
> --
> Beijins
> Fa
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