
resolvi o meu problema com este forum:
<http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1013374>Eu achei a
melhor solução o post de

There is another option. You can just use pyRenamer along with EasyTAG.

sudo apt-get install easytag
sudo apt-get install pyrenamer

   1. Open pyRenamer
   2. Navigate to the offending directory of mp3s
   3. Select Substitutions from the tabs down the bottom
   4. Tick Replace
   5. Put mp3 in first column and ape in second
   6. Click Rename
   7. Open EasyTAG and delete the offending tags and save all the files
   8. Now you can change the extension back to mp3 with pyRenamer

Peace out!

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