PS 2 mouse and wireless still locking up occasionally in Xwinodws.  I
don't use anything but KDE and the shell occasionally.  Mouse works fine
in shell when selecting options in adept for registered software as well
as using shell based apps where you can select or deselect options (like
in sysv-rc-conf).  Most noteable lockups occur while in Konqueror and
any Java based software (currently running Sun Java 1.05 Release 7).
None of the keyboard options specified to me work.  Even the keyboard
driver is locked out in Xwindows when these freezes occur thus requiring
me to hit the reset button in order to get back to the desktop.  Even
with current upgrades to date (Sun Jun 18 2006) I still have these
freezes that are unexplained.

Terry L. Parris

Kubuntu lockups with PS2 mouse or Microsoft Wireless Optical Mouse 2.0

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