On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Marco Boneff

> my 2 cents
> 1) If Mozilla's team doesn't want to be reasonable and discuss this with
> the ubuntu community, ubuntu should behave in the same way. treating
> Firefox as every other open source project included in the distro.
> Firefox wants an EULA we don't want? We can use Iceweazel/Icedove as
> debian does... and put the firefox package in the restricted repository.
> End of the story.


er.. its not about the 'Mozilla team' or the 'Ubuntu community', I think
thats been made plainly obvious.

As you probably know Moz Corp make bucket loads of $$ from the google search
bar (literally many millions each year), and it is in their interest to have
firefox used far and wide. With the upsurge in Ubuntu users (dell pushing it
to end users) there is no way in hell Moz corp want to see firefox drop from
#1 spot in the ubuntu suite of distros.

How does that effect the descission to keep it (with the EULA) in Ubuntu?
Well Canonical (another for profit company) as stated by Mark are in
negotiations with Mozilla behind closed doors, its fairly obvious that one
of the cards on the table is likley to be a revenue sharing model for
Canonical for the google dollars, thats if it's not been the case from day

Checking the URL arguments passed to google from the search box in firefox
on hardy we see plainly:


Part of what that is about is google identifying who's bank account needs
topping up.

This is hardly a 'conspiracy theory', its good business for Mozilla and its
good business for Canonical, stop thinking this has anything to do with

Timothy J Stebbing

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