Bah, there are many precedents in Debian and Ubuntu for this behavior.
Making /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon ignore the system setting in
/etc/default because people are too lazy or stupid to read the
initscript is dumb when many other packages work this way, including
many in universe (that won't be similarly changed).

What happens when you edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, and don't respect the
Debian/Ubuntu way of doing things?  It gets clobbered the next time
update-grub is run.

What happens when you add a line to /etc/modprobe.conf?  You get to keep
both pieces.  Ubuntu isn't Gentoo, or SysV.

That upgrading to edgy from dapper silently turned off avahi-daemon is a
bug, IMHO, but making /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon ignore /etc/default is
not a fix for that.

What happens when people "helpfully" add the "missing" SysV runlevel
symlink for avahi-daemon, and things stop working correctly?  The best
answer is "you get to keep both pieces", but only after hard-to-
understand bug reports.

Or perhaps it's more "well don't do that then" which equally applies to
this.  If something really must be done for this "bug", move the avahi-
daemon script out of /etc/init.d, so people don't find it and expect it
to work a certain way.

/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon is useless

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