Further to the comment of M. Torres and pursuant to my remarks: I should have 
kept my mouth shut. 
Everything worked fine until I posted my last confirmation of the workaround. 
Trouble started thereafter.

I still get connected over 95% of the time on booting up. However, if I
work too many connections to web sites in quick succession, the wireless
connection brakes down. It is difficult, if not impossible, to reconnect
using the wireless assistant.

I succeeded by eliminating/erasing the file(s) dhclient.pid followed by a 
command line sudo dhclient ath0. Works sometimes.
I also found that rebootingfrequently restarts the wireless connection.

In any case, it takes some time for the wireless connection to be
(re)established - just as Miguel Torres remarked.

This bug should receive a priority set high. It is a niusance and makes
Kubuntu 6.10 hard to use.

wireless assisant does not connect in edgy

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