I'm allways logged as the user that instaled the system back in the

i have an entry like:

 my_user ALL=(ALL) ALL
in sudoers

The weird thing is that i do not have an admin group!!

$ sudo adduser my_user admin

adduser: El grupo `admin' no existe.

(The group 'admin' does not exist.)

I do have an adm group and my user belongs to it

I have not deleted the admin group myself. So i do not know what's going
wrong or what went wrong in the upgrade(s)

Changing time in dapper worked aut of the box as did the other affected entries 
in System>Admin menu.
After upgrade this things stopped working I consider this a bug

How could my system end up without an admin group??

Any help is apreciated.


Some System>Administration> menu entries no longer works

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