Having seen the ridiculous problems the "system:/" and "media:/"
protocols have caused in MDV & SuSE due to immature implementations, I
would suggest we stay as far away as possible until upstream sorts this
out.  Until every app in KDE is properly redesigned to use this
unnecessary abstraction layer, many problems will exist for
inexperienced users.  Even then, passing "system:/" locations to non-KDE
apps will be a headache for years to come.  Even basic behaviours such
as ensuring a konqueror window reflects the current contents of a
directory are now totally knackered.


roll back to 3.1 & backport everything (unlikely),
convince upstream that having everything as a KIO is just plain silly (harder 
than it sounds),
or patch *everything* in Kubuntu so that no trace of this "system:/" nonsense 
exists (also quite unrealistic).

rant rant rant sorry

konqueror should open system folders instead of media:...

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