This is strange. If I startup Dapper with eth0 deactivated and rausb0
activated I get no link over the DLINK dwl-g122 using the driver
mentioned above. The interface is up but I have got no IP from the DHCP
over WiFi. What makes it work hints about a startup script problem:

Open System->Administration->Networking
Deactivate the wireless (rausb0) connection
Activate the wireless (rausb0) connection

This will hang forever unless:

Open a terminal window
Issue: sudo ifup rausb0

Now it comes up! It does not work with either method alone, they seems
both to be needed. My /etc/network/interfaces looks like this:

iface lo inet loopback

iface rausb0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid myDlink524
wireless-key blablablablasecretkey

allow-hotplug rausb0
auto rausb0

iface eth0 inet dhcp
#auto eth0

Ralink Wireless USB/PCMCIA/PCI hangs PC

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