I've tries using other programs such as gedit and the cpu goes to max
too! when inserting text and when scrolling fast.

radeon, 24bit color depth tests, compiz:
Xorg ~ 90%
firefox-bin ~ 20%

radeon, 24bit color depth tests, metacity:
Xorg ~ 70 %
firefox-bin ~ 20%

radeon, 16 bit color depth tests, compiz:
Xorg ~ 60%
firefox-bin~ 20%

radeon, 16 bit color depth tests,normal metacity:
Xorg ~ 53%
firefox-bin ~ 20%

vesa, 16 bit, metacity:
Xorg ~  (as smooth as 32bit with compiz enabled)
firefox-bin ~ 1%

This doesn't seem a compiz bug, even if using compiz the slowness gets
higher and higher!
How can I disable direct rendering in radeon driver to test if the
problem is caused by it?

Very hi CPU in firefox and gnome-terminal

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