
You seem to have conveniently forgetten the other link I posted, so I'll
post it again.

This is the debian policy on how daemons should work. "start" for
starting, "stop" for stopping and update-rc.d for enabling and

By the way, I had a look at your list of packages that do similar
things. Most are not installed on my machine so I installed portmap.
It's initscript always obeys a start command, there's no if
$START_DAEMON. Some others _do_ do what you say. I'm not sure how you
came up with that list of packages.

Just because there are other scripts out that don't follow the standard
doesn't make it right. In the case of avahi-daemon actually be some
justification for it since apparently avahi needs to be started by dbus
and dbus is not compatible with /etc/init.d, however this piece of info
has only very recently been mentioned. In the case of mdadm or
fetchmail, there appears to be no such reason.

/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon is useless

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