"Me too"

- kubuntu feisty
- Intel Mac Mini
- Built-in Atheros "Airport extreme"

Base station:
- Airport
- WEP40 encryption
- Other machines connect fine: Windows, Gentoo, FreeBSD, MacOSX, and even a G4 
Cube w/ old-school airport card running Edgy

My Network Manager results are similar to RealMurphy's (above).  It
successfully scans for and identifies the AP.  I click my AP and am
prompted for the WEP key, which I enter in hex format.  It then starts
trying to associate but hangs up at 28% and disappears about a minute
later having failed to associate.

Attempting to associate via iwconfig also fails in a similar fashion.  A
"sudo iwlist ath0 scan" finds my AP (and other nearby AP's).  I select
the essid and set the wep key using "sudo iwconfig ath0 essid <myessid>"
and "sudo iwconfig ath0 key <my40bitwepkeyashex>", respectively.
Following that, a "sudo iwconfig" still reports "Access Point: Not-
Associated" and, as expected, a "sudo dhclient ath0" fails as well.

Attempting to associate via System Settings -> Network Settings fails.
The ath0 interface ends up "enabled" but it's not associated and has
been assigned no ip address.  Presumably, it's failing silently in a
similar fashion to the other methods.

Love your work, guys.  Any more details I can provide, just ask.

Cannot associate with unencrypted networks using bcm43xx chipset (ndiswrapper 

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