Can't find any other application crashing gaim in the same way.
I'm not sure how to find same text widget, but IMHO for example in system 
settings the Search box is probably the same widget. (no crash)

Copy from Kate (text editor) works OK too, both copy, and copy as HTML.
Copy from gnome(?) "calculator" is OK too.

Maybe some SpeedCrunch creator can have idea what's so special about "Copy 
(I'm not using gaim, I was just trying it out with my common way what I need 
from IM when I hit the crash. I tried some more [both KDE and non KDE] 
applications now (konqueror, text boxes from system settings, calculator, Kate, 
firefox, OpenOffice), and no more crashes, only from SpeedCrunch.)

So I'm afraid I can't help you any more.

Still you may also check the report about "empty paste" crash, that one looks 
very very similar to this, and also the "length = 0" sounds like it may be 
#49691  but it looks like it's not reproducible anymore.

crash after paste, reproducible always (for me)

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