Since none of the proposed workarounds here seem to work for me, I went
a somewhat different path. This is for Kubuntu Edgy x86-64 (amd64) and
involves some serious package-juggling, but is otherwise quite simple.

First, let's get rid of Ubuntu's OOo with the apt-frontend of your
choice (I am an aptitude-user). This will also break the corresponding
"language-support-XX"-metapackages, so remove them as well but keep an
eye on any other localization-packages that you want to keep.

Next, install ia32-libs. The minimally required packages seem to be "ia32-libs" 
"", but I also took all the other ia32-packages except 
"ia32-java-gcj-compat" and "ia32-libs-gtk". This will also net you a 32 Bit Sun 
Java JRE, which may be useful for OOo (I didn't check it out).

Next, pick up the actual vanilla-debs, for example the German OOo from here:

Untar the file to a convenient location, and install the debs via "dpkg
--force-architecture -i openoffice*deb".

That's it for now, OOo should integrate in K-Menu and work fine from
here. No fiddling with any libfreetypes or LD_Preloads necessary. The
vanilla-OOo starts up much faster than Ubuntu's version, and fonts look
nice, but the UI looks very much Win98-like.

The final glue for a nice KDE-integration is, funny enough, "ia32-libs-
gtk", like it has been for Breezy and Dapper (both shipped the 32 Bit
version of OOo with amd64). After installation of "ia32-libs-gtk", OOo
will respect the settings of KDE's "GTK styles and fonts". In OOo, check
Extras -> Options -> View, check "use system fonts for user interface"
(hope that's it, I translated back from German...), and set the font-
anti-aliasing-option to your liking.

If you ever wondered why OOo in Ubuntu starts up more slowly than for
example OOo in Arch Linux, it's the gtk/kde-theming. After installation
of "ia32-libs-gtk", it took a bit longer to launch OOo than before, but
the desktop-inegration is much better.

[Edgy] font hinting does not work with libfreetype6 v. 2.2.1

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