On Wednesday 03 January 2007 11:19, Kevin Kubasik wrote:
> Please don't confirm your own bugs, even if your 100% certain, its
> generally a better idea to let someone else do the confirmation, or for
> the package maintainer to do it, since its often a means of keeping
> their bugs orgainized.

Sorry, I'm new to triaging.  Thanks for the guidance.  I don't think that is 
stated in the triage guide.  Should it be added?
> After a short chat w/ dBera upstream, this doesn't really seem like a
> bug to me, should their be massive public consensous or demand, we can
> look into it, but there are already environmental variables (like
> BEAGLE_HOME and BEAGLE_STORAGE) that alow individual users to customize
> index locations.

It looked like a feature request to me, and I was about to reject, but I got a 
second opinion in IRC that said it was a reasonable request and suggested I 
file it upstream.   To improve the quality of my triage efforts, could you 
tell me:

1) Are *any* feature requests ever opened upstream as I did today?
2) If so, what criteria should I use to make that decision.

Again, thank you for the courteous feedback.


should not store indexes in ~

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