Jaunty alpha 6 still can't seem to make a static IP connection via
knetworkmanager; I have the beta but haven't tried it yet.

I'm in general agreement with the commentators above who believe this
app needs serious work now.  I find it has many annoying features:

1) integration with kwallet - Regardless of whether the KDE devs think
everything should use the wallet, as a user it's a pain in the neck.  I
tried disabling the wallet entirely upon which knetworkmanager crashed
and took the panel with it.  What was wrong with the 4.1 functionality
where knetworkmanager kept its own passwords?

2) I cannot seem to launch a connection by double-clicking it in the
list displayed by Manage Connections. I had a stored configuration for
my router, but clicking on the tray icon to bring up the list of SSIDs
didn't launch it either.  This one had a static IP address so it may be
related to the bugs reported here.

3)  Adding a static IP to the list is a user nightmare.  First off, the
Add button doesn't launch a separate dialog with entries for the
address/netmask/gateway.  Instead you have to click in the listing
window and type over the blue areas.  It took me quite a while to figure
this out.  Plus you cannot navigate across fields in that list with the
tab button.  You must enter an item like the address, then leave the
list, then go to the next item.  This whole process needs a simple Add
dialog box.

I would say that fixing problems with knetworkmanager should be a
critical priority for either the KDE devs or the Ubuntu devs.  Problems
in a function as critical as user-level network management will
absolutely discourage anyone converting from another platform like
Windows to Kubuntu.

I'd also like to see a simple method at installation to enable the
network connection during boot rather than requiring user intervention.
I'm sure I could figure out how to do this from browsing the Web and
editing config files, but it should be much easier to configure by
default.  Not everyone running Ubuntu is using a laptop; for people on
wired networks, or people with static addresses, the current system of
pushing network connections to the user level makes things more
difficult than they need to be.  If I were in an office setting, I'd
expect my computer to connect to the network upon boot, not require me
to run some application from the desktop.

knetworkmanager under kde4 doesn't recognize the static IP connections that I 
have configured. 
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