i made the same test over an edgy fresh install with ntfs-3g (this time
i test it with ntfs not fat32).  this is my fstab config to that ntfs
partition :

UUID=587C194D7C192772 /media/sda5     ntfs-3g
silent,umask=0,locale=es_CL.utf8,no_def_opts,allow_other,gid=46 0

the test work!

i made a copy with nautilus just like before from the windows partition
to ext3 partition, and everthing was well pasted.  even when it first
made a delete of the destination files (the ones that were there
before), everything were there with correct names.

maybe was ntfs-3g, maybe was the fstab config, maybe was edgy...don't
know, now i only know that IT WORKS!

thanks any way.

critical bad copy command

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