
I neglected to say something I think is pretty important: I do recognize
how very frustrating it must be for you, Mark, et. al to have put so
much work into this and to have received so much criticism, even hostile
criticism, when you of course believed (and believe) you were
introducing a significant improvement.  Allow me to say that I honor how
well you've handled that overall; the restraint you've shown has been

I also wanted to reply to your suggestion:

>> It's not particularly productive to be covering, 
>> in bug report comments, exactly the same points 
>> as were covered in the mailing list discussion 
>> six weeks earlier. So if you could read the mailing 
>> list discussion first, that would be awesome. :-)

Point taken. Before I posted the previous I read most of the thread that


including every comment you or Mark made.  I'm a user of Ubuntu, not a
developer, and I wasn't really much aware of the mailing lists – I don't
subscribe to any of them – until I followed your helpful link; thank

Parenthetically, I arrived “here” after my acceptance of an Ubuntu-
generated “updates available” prompt broke my ability to watch streaming
video on fancast.com, something I'd done without problems many times
before, and was, in fact, engaged in immediately before installing the
Hardy updates. I interrupted watching a video there to install the
updates, actually, found I couldn't watch videos there immediately
afterward, and I've spent at least 30 hours since, without success,
trying to regain that ability.  I hoped the problem would be solved by
an upgrade, and I was inclined toward Jaunty until I learned about the
intention to use this new method for updates.

I really have only one specific comment re the thread and the post you
directed me to.  You replied to Aigars Mahinovs' in this way:

>> Linux is about user being in control.
>  Any sentence of the form "Linux is about <noun phrase>" is a fallacy.

Perhaps; here's something that's irrefutable, then:  For me, anyway,
Linux is substantially about being in control.  I didn't abandon the
market leader because their products didn't work, or because of their
effective monopoly, or because I objected to paying for software.  I
left because I felt their programs too frequently challenged and
interfered with my ability to exercise sovereignty over my own computer,
and that frustrated and angered me.

It's no secret that many users of commercial software feel similarly. If
“bug number one” is ever to be solved, I think Canonical will have to
support a radically unequivocal alternative to that user experience.  I
absolutely intend no disrespect, and I'm genuinely sorry to say it, but
it's my opinion that the 'persistent interruption' model for updates in
Jaunty doesn't provide such an alternative, nor does it even come close.

[Jaunty] Update Notifier icon would provide useful status information
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