Just as a question which, hopefully, ought to highlight the difficulty
of making "better icons" which would negate the need for tooltips...

How will you represent the information "This file is under revision
control and has been locally modified but not added staged for commit"?
This is a reasonable state for a file to be in if it is under git
revision control.

Also, after you've come up with an answer for your particular pet
locale, try again to make an icon which is pan-culturally similarly

Nautilus currently has sixteen icons which a person can, by hand, add to
their icons. I can barely remember the icons for the time it takes me to
glance back to this browser window. Yes the icons are poor, but that's
not all the issue at hand.

If icons should always be perfect, then the logical conclusion would be
to remove all toolbar modes but "icons only" and "fix the icons" -- most
people would spend a lot of time hovering their mouse over the toolbar
icons to try and learn what the icons mean, by using the helpful (and
fortunately generally present) tooltips.

Remember, this is not a request to replace information, currently
represented by icons, by text; but rather a request to make the icons
discoverable. Discoverability ought to be a goal of any desktop
environment, but particularly Ubuntu which keeps touting "Linux For
Human Beings".

If it helps hammer the point home, consider point 3 of the Ubuntu

Every computer user should be given every opportunity to use software,
even if they work under a disability.

If Ubuntu has a visually rich, information dense, iconic display, then
my own inability to think in pictures or spatially should count as a
disability under that point, and you should be striving to ensure that
people like me can discover the meanings in the UI and thus become
productive with the software.

Emblems should have tooltips
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