** Description changed:

  I can't use Ubuntu for my university practices (networking &
  communications). The problem is that i get "Core Dumped" when I execute
  the programs. This doesn't happen with Breezy or Dapper, but it does
  with Edgy and Feisty. Also, all works fine in other distros such as
- Debian or Fedora. I thing it's a problem with the kernel because a
+ Debian or Fedora. I think it's a problem with the kernel because a
  friend told me he had the same problem (core dumped) in a kernel upgrade
  (He uses Dapper).
  We use a ethernet daemon provided by the teachers. There is no code
  available :( . You can download it from
  To install it, you have to run the script "instalar" as root.
  Now, i'll attach the source of the programs. Compile it with make and
  execute ftpserv
  This is what you'll see:
  $ ./ftpserv 
  Iniciando librer�a nivel1. (C) Copyright R. Wegmann, A. Mart�nez, R. Cabello, 
2000-2002. nivel1.o V.4.0.1
  Funci�n loc_send: No such file or directory
  Fallo de segmentación (core dumped)
  Pd: Sorry for my poor English.

Core Dumped

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