
I do think that its useful information to know what applications are
popular and which are not. We currently use this in gnome-app-install to
provide a "popularity" column so that the users get a idea what
applications are popular and which are not that popular. Its currently
not ideal because the sample size of users is limited. But it should
become very useful.

Not in every case its the popularity that matters for a decision as you
pointed out in the screensaver example. Sometimes there are technical
issues, sometimes legal issues that overwrite the popularity. We would
love to ship better multimedia support out of the box for example, but
for a lot of packages we can't because of legal issues even though the
packages are very popular.

So popularity contest is useful for ubuntu. And it is totally opt-in and
the description explains whats going to happen when the checkbox is
checked. I think that its not fair to compare this to the MicroSoft
approach :)



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