OK, so going back to the original report and the wiki page ... Step 8
tells you to edit a file which does not exist before you can do step 9.
But running step 9 would create the file :)

Why don't we just pick some sensible defaults for the config file, like:

Packages-Dir: ~/.bughelper/packages
Local-Packages-Dir: ~/.bughelper/myclues
Update-Interval: 24
Attachments-Cache: ~/.bughelper/attachments-cache

which wil be generated the first time it is run anyway. That way step 8
can be eliminated completely from the docs and new-step-8 would let you
get on with trying a clue. The Local-Packages-Dir can always be modified
later and that can be documented further down on the wiki page.

~/.bughelper/config not created by sudo apt-get install bughelper

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