Confirmed here too, with 2.17.7-0ubuntu1.  I got an strace of gnome-
screensaver-dialog for you

close(16)                               = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1171411287, 862237}, NULL) = 0
poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}, {fd=3, events=POLLIN}, {fd=8, 
events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=10, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=11, 
events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=12, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=13, events=POLLIN}, 
{fd=14, events=0}], 8, 0) = 0
ioctl(3, FIONREAD, [0])                 = 0
gettimeofday({1171411287, 862353}, NULL) = 0
poll([{fd=4, events=POLLIN}, {fd=3, events=POLLIN}, {fd=8, 
events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=10, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=11, 
events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=12, events=POLLIN|POLLPRI}, {fd=13, events=POLLIN}, 
{fd=14, events=0}], 8, 0) = 0
socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0)         = 16
fcntl64(16, F_SETFL, O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
connect(16, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/tmp/.gdm_socket"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No 
such file or directory)
send(16, "CLOSE\n", 6, MSG_NOSIGNAL)    = -1 ENOTCONN (Transport endpoint is 
not connected)
write(2, "\n(gnome-screensaver-dialog:16595"..., 107) = 107

This repeats continuously until I kill it.

I'd just done an upgrade through software-updates, I don't know if that
is related.  It did upgrade gnome-screensaver.

2007-02-14 10:27:44 status unpacked gnome-screensaver 2.17.7-0ubuntu1
2007-02-14 10:27:44 status unpacked gnome-screensaver 2.17.7-0ubuntu1
2007-02-14 10:27:44 status unpacked gnome-screensaver 2.17.7-0ubuntu1
2007-02-14 10:27:44 status half-configured gnome-screensaver 2.17.7-0ubuntu1
2007-02-14 10:27:47 status installed gnome-screensaver 2.17.7-0ubuntu1

It's true there is no /tmp/.gdm_socket, is there meant to be?

(Is tmp really a good location for that anyhow?)

screen does not unlock after locking

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