I would just like to add that exactly the same happens to me, and has
been doing ever since upgrading from Ubuntu 7.04.  In 7.04, my Sony
Ericsson k810i worked absolutely fine.  Ever since it's never
disconnected properly.

Until now my workaround has been to use a different usb port every time
I plug the phone in, and to reboot Ubuntu once I've exhausted all
possible ports.  This bug report has finally answered my questions, and
the manual eject command works perfectly to restore the normal

As you can probably gather from the above, I'm no Ubuntu expert, but I
would second the OP's request to have this bug moved to the appropriate


And in case it helps, the details of exactly how this manifests itself on my 
system are:

Plug in phone.

Two nautilus folders pop up:

If I look in /dev, four devices appear:

If I load GParted, I see something unusual:
/dev/sdj has a fat16 partition showing for /dev/sdj1, mounted to /media/PHONE
/dev/sdk just shows the entire thing as unallocated

However, the phone card is definitely mounted.  I can read & write files
fine in Nautilus, and the size shown for the sdk partition in GParted
matches exactly the capacity shown if I look at the properties for the
PHONE CARD location in nautilus.

However, although things work while connected, it's unmounting the
devices that has been causing problems:

If I right-click on PHONE and choose unmount, it does that with no
errors but the Nautilus display does not update - PHONE is still listed.
Opening a new window shows that it is no longer mounted.

If I unmount phone card, I get an error:
"Cannot unmount the volume 'PHONE CARD'"
and if I click details, it says:  "Cannot remove directory".

Despite that however, the volume unmounts fine - both it and PHONE
disappear immediately from the Nautilis window.

But if I wait, a few seconds later, the following pops up too:
"DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply:  Did not receive a reply.  
Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the 
message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or 
the network connectino was broken."

At this point the phone now appears unmounted in Nautilus, but as
reported above, the phone still tells me not to remove the USB cable,
and I know from experience that if I just pull the cable now, Ubuntu
will no longer recognise the device if plugged in to that USB port.

However, following the OP's advice, if I run "sudo eject /dev/sdk1",
both sdj1 and sdk1 disappear, and at that point the phone tells me it's
safe to remove the cable.

Once I remove the cable, sdj and sdk disappear.

And now it seems to be working perfectly.  I can repeat this as many
times as I like.

For whatever reason, right-clicking on and unmounting the PHONE CARD
does not work when done from Nautilus.

Personally, I suspect this will be something to do with the partition
not showing up in GParted.

Cannot umount the volume 'PHONE CARD'
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