Thom is right dropping support of older cards in order to support new ones is 
stupid for a couple of reasons:
1. The people most impacted will of course be current users with cards that 
have older firmware... suddenly Ubuntu will no longer natively support their 
bcm43xx chipset w/ old firmware leaving those of us who have been using said 
driver succesfully high and dry.
2. The people who might benefit (people with newer cards) won't realize the 
benefits as much as we the older-card owners will feel the pain.
 Please fix this issue, it's bad policy to remove support for hardware that is 
by no means antiquated, and that as this bug shows many loyal Ubuntu users and 
testers have said "older" hardware. If you ccant support both new and old 
firmware, dont break support with the old its not nice :-)
- Richard

Broadcom bcm43xx broken with kernel

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