Your most recent post was discouraging: if the brightest minds of
Canonical aren't immediately clear how to trace the single largest
problem undermining my productive use of Kubuntu, how do I stand a
chance? :-( But I now have a couple of hunches to offer. So far, these
are only hunches, which means that I am not yet able to substantiate
them with evidence.

My first suspected villain is Adobe Flash --- a popular but proprietary
closed-source product. My second suspected villain is the browser (which
could be any one or all of the three Firefox versions (3.0, 3.5, 3.6pre)
or chromium-browser, as the Google Chrome browser is called in the .ppa
development repo).

Testing the hunches has started with a clean Kubuntu installation from
the karmic RC release yesterday. So far, I have installed neither Flash
nor any of the suspect browsers (although I am downloading them and some
other stuff as I write). This session has only been up ten hours, so it
is very early to start drawing conclusions. But so far, the dbus-daemon
is taking only 0.5% of available memory. After this long
Firefox/Chrome/Flash --- with the foolishly large number of tabs that I
often have open --- would normally already be well over 10% and heading
fast for over 20%.

Tastes vary. For my taste, Konqueror is too much of a hair shirt to be
enjoyable in daily use and although I was once a paying customer of
Opera, its most recent releases have not been to my taste either. So I
will install Firefox, Chrome and Flash. But I will not enable Flash in
Chrome. (P.S.: The Flash version will not be from the repos, it will be
Adobe's 64-bit beta direct from the Adobe web site, which I check at
least once a month as part of an overall system maintenance checklist.)
In addition to AdBlockPlus, I will ensure that Flashblock is installed
in Firefox with the most restrictive settings available.

After that has been running a few days, I will report back the dbus-
daemon usage, and generate a massif.out file, it it appears to be

Thank you for all your work on this issue.

dbus-daemon memory leak
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