Well, there were two problems.

One of them was with the gtkmozembed library (from firefox). I don't
know why, but it seems to be broken (the patch, I suppose). Don't know
if this is a firefox problem or a listen one (I imagine a listen one
hehe), but the patch 04_gtkmozembed.patch fixes it (changing the
Makefile, as you can see in it).

This is a comment from the Makefile:

Add LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/firefox/mozembed/so/file when listen start
# to prevent segmentfault on wikipedia and lyrics widget for broken 
python-gtkmozemebed on some distribution like ubuntu edgy/dapper

The other problem is with the executable. I think this is related to the other 
issue. The file /usr/bin/listen is bad. It should have this:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/firefox python -OO /usr/lib/listen/listen.py

The patch 05_listen_bin.patch fixes it.

[apport] python2.5 crashed with SIGSEGV while running Listen 0.5-0ubuntu2

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